Sunday, 9 December 2012

Fishing Friar- Conversion of 20mm Valdemar figure

Here's something I entered for a duel at Bennos Figures. Didn't do too badly and I learnt a lot on the way as it was the first time I tried to make  realistic water.

I also experimented with Noch laser cut printed foliage. Not overly impresed with these though. The bullrushes are a little weedy and the seed itself is very flat, so I painted it to look a little more three dimensional.  I've just realised it would look great with a vignette of 30mm flat figures.
Had fun painting a 1/72nd carp and perch from Preisser. The  figure is  from Valdemar Figures I believe. I converted him to a  monk, expressing my inner hermit!

 I tried to showed the various layers of geology as the river had cut through them over time. 

Originally the  sides of the vignette showed the  underlying stratigraphy, but this was lost when the resin water glued the shutters tight and I had to incorporate them.

The water took ages to dry, used capillery action to climb up my shutters and spread across the grass! When the shutters were removes the still soft lower layers started to bulge out. Plastic sprue was used for the branch / rod and human hair  for the line.

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